
- // ΜΤ-022122 // 2/10/1963

Telegram expressing congratulations

DImensions: 16 x 21,5 cm Location: Greece, Syros, OTE Material: telegraphic paper

Congratulatory telegram directed to the President of the government, Stilianos Mavromichalis. The caretaker government led by Stilianos Mavromichalis (29th of September 1963- 8th of November 1963) took charge after the government led by Panayotis Pipinelis, as the latter was not accepted as a caretaker government by the opposition. The President of Areios Pagos (Supreme Court of Greece), Stilianos Mavromichalis, was designated as prime minister and he also undertook to being Minister of Home Affairs. The caretaker government held an election on the 3rd of November 1963, when Centre Union, led by Georgios Papandreou was elected as the first party.

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