
- // ΜΤ-020058 // 01/09/1964

Parliamentary telegram

DImensions: 6,5 x 21 εκ. Location: Greece, Athens, OTE Material: telegraphic paper

Telegram by I. Papaspyros, member of Parliament in Piraeus, to the Hellenic Grocers Confederation in which he notifies his telegram to the Deputy Prime Minister. The telegram concerned an article which was published on the Grocers Association Newspaper and according to which the Hellenic Grocers Confederation protested that the banks refused to grant winery loans to grocers, under the pretense that there is no relevant decision by the Monetary Committee. Since, however, we are in the new must production period, difficulties in the granting of winery loans may have an adverse effect on the national must production, according to the member of Parliament . Then, he requests for the immediate intervention of the Deputy Prime Minister.

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